How to use the Wordpress text editor - PART 1.
PART 1 of 2: We show you how to create your pages and fill them with the content you want. We take a look at the Wordpress text editor and show you how it all works and how you can make your content look exactly how you want it to.
This is what you will know after watching this video (see below):
You will know where to find the Wordpress text editor
You will know how to create a new page
You will know how to add a title
You will know how to paste text into the editor
You will know how to expand and collapse the formatting options
You will know how to see what formatting has been added to text
You will know how to bold text
You will know how to undo and redo formatting
You will know how to make text italic
You will know how to strike through text
You will know how to create bullet points on your page
You will know how to create a numbered list
You will know how to block quote text
BY THE END OF THESE 2 LECTURES: You will know how to add all your content to a Wordpress page or post. This is where all the magic begins.